
Deklaracja emisji GHG z etapu transportu

If a System User receives a batch of sustainable material with a Sustainability Declaration (delivery document) containing an individual GHG value in kg CO2eq per ton of material, there are two options:

Option 1: The GHG value in kg CO2eq per ton of material contains the GHG emissions for upstream cultivation, processing and transport up to the supplier. The recipient of the batch is then responsible to calculate and add the GHG emissions of the transport from the supplier to its site (based on distance and mode of transport). This option is the general procedure if no further statement is made about the transport emissions (see Option 2).

Option 2: The GHG value in kg CO2eq per ton of material contains the GHG emissions for upstream cultivation and processing but not for transport. For some types of material or feedstock, Annex V of the EU RED contains disaggregated default values (DDV) for transport and distribution in g CO2eq per MJ of final biofuel. If such a DDV exists, System Users can refer to the DDV for transport & distribution instead of calculating the relevant transport emissions individually (see Option 1).

If a DDV for transport and distribution shall be used for a batch of sustainable product, the supplier of this batch must include an explicit statement on the Sustainability Declaration additionally to the individually calculated GHG value in kg CO2eq per ton of product. This statement is used on the Sustainability Declaration by all suppliers within the supply chain up to the final producer (e.g. biodiesel or bioethanol plant). The final producer then uses this
DDV and includes it in the total emissions of the final product (e.g. biodiesel, bioethanol) in g CO2eq per MJ. Once the DDV for transport and distribution is applied for a specific batch, it is not possible to switch to an individual calculation of the transport emissions for this specific batch.

A clear statement on a Sustainability Declaration would e.g. be "EU RED disaggregated default value for transport and distribution to be added by the final producer".

If System Users apply Option 2, the explicit statement on the Sustainability Declaration will become mandatory on 01 February 2016.

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