
Certyfikacja wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych (FFA) zgodnie z ISCC EU

Certyfikacja wolnych kwasów tłuszczowych FFA jest możliwa zgodnie z ISCC EU, pod kilkoma warunkami. Poniżej znajduje się część z wymagań jakie muszą spełnić kwasy tłuszczowe aby mogły podlegać certyfikacji. Podwójne zaliczenie „double counting” tak certyfikowanych FFA jest możliwe wyłącznie w przypadku posiadania odpowiednich przepisów krajowych w tym zakresie.

Pochodzenie kwasów tłuszczowych powinno być odpowiednio udokumentowane. Certyfikacji mogą być poddane FFA, które powstały w wyniku naturalnych procesów wytwórczych w olejarni, rafinerii, instalacji produkcji biodiesela.

1.        Kwalifikacja FFA jako odpad / pozostałość
2.        Kwalifikacja FF jako produkt uboczny

W pierwszym przypadku istnieje możliwość certyfikacji w ramach systemu ISCC EU, natomiast w drugim przypadku nie ma takiej możliwości. Należy również dodać, że emisja dla kwasów tłuszczowych jest różna na punkcie zbiórki (FGP of waste). Emisja GHG na tym etapie wynosi 0 gCO2eq/MJ


ISCC News 23.03.2016

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We herewith inform you about the following news and clarifications in the ISCC system:

1) Clarification on Multiple-Claiming
In the light of recent reports regarding unusually low price levels of biofuel from Poland the European Commission has sent a letter to the recognised voluntary certification schemes. In this letter, the Commission points out that multiple-claiming of biofuels in different EU Member States (MS) is not in line with EU biofuel policy, as enshrined in Directive 2009/28/EC (Renewable Energy Directive – RED). Multiple-claiming in this scenario refers to biofuel that has already benefited from public support in one MS but which in reality has not been put on the market in this particular MS, but was exported to another MS where it can benefit from public support for a second time. This would mean that the same fuel is claimed as sustainable biofuel twice.

Please also be aware that under ISCC it is not allowed to make claims for certified outputs under two or more certification schemes without having equivalent amounts of certified inputs. The auditor must always check prior to the audit whether a system user holds certificates from two or more certification schemes. If this is the case, the auditor must verify during the audit the mass balance under all schemes used. Please also see the ISCC system update as of 16 July 2012.

2) ISCC in Poland
From 01st of January 2017 onwards, all certification schemes active on the Polish market have to be entered in the register of the Polish Agricultural Market Agency (ARR). This requirement applies to certification schemes used by economic operators to fulfil the Polish biofuel quota obligation. This requirement does not affect biomass or biofuel exported from Poland to other EU Member States.

Please note, that ISCC will take all necessary actions to be present in the Polish market also in the future.

3) Country of Origin
We herewith point out again, that the information regarding the country of origin of of sustainable material is a mandatory requirement under ISCC. In the case of biomass from agriculture or products derived from such biomass the relevant country of origin is the country where the biomass is cultivated (i.e. the country where the farm is located). In the case of waste and residues or products derived from waste and residues, the country of origin is the country where the waste and residues occur or are generated (e.g. the country where a restaurant generating UCO is located).

A sustainability declaration for a delivery of sustainable material must include (among other data) the total amount of the delivery, the type of raw material and the country of origin of the raw material. If the delivery is derived from multiple raw materials and/or from multiple countries of origin the respective amount of sustainable material from the different sources must be stated. This can either be done by issuing separate sustainability declarations per raw material and country of origin or by issuing only one sustainability declaration. In case of issuing only one sustainability declaration, the amount of sustainable material must be stated per taye of raw material and country of origin.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards,

Your ISCC Team