
Nowe zakresy certyfikacji w ramach ISCC EU, REDcert

System ISCC EU zakresy certyfikacji: 

BG = Biogas plant, 
BM = Biomethane plant, 
BP = Biodiesel plant, 
CP = Collecting Point (for waste/residue material not grown/harvested on farms/plantations), 
CR = Crushing plant, 
EP = Ethanol plant,
ET = ETBE plant, 
FA = Farm / Plantation, 
FC = Farmers' Central Office, 
FG = First Gathering Point (for biomass grown/harvested on farms/plantations), 
HVO = HVO plant, 
LC = Logistic Center, 
ML = Methanol plant, 
MP = Melting plant, 
MT = MTBE plant, 
OM = Oil mill, 
OT = Other conversion unit, 
PM = Pulp mill, 
PO Point of Origin, 
RE = Refinery, 
SM = Sugar mill, 
TR = Trader, 
TRS = Trader with storage, 
TW = Treatment plant for waste/ residues, 
WH = Warehouse, 
WR36 = acc. to 36th BImSchV (double counting of biofuels in Germany)

REDcert EU zakresy certyfikacji:

New from 01.01.2014
101 group of farms, 102 farm, 103 waste producer, 201 first gathering point, 202 collector of waste/residues, 301 Oil mill, 302 sugar mill, 303 biogas plant, 304 fat melting plant, 401 oil mill/fat refinery (pure fuel / bioliquid), 403 esterification plant, 404 hydrogenation unit, 405 bioethanol plant, 406 biogas plant, 407 biogas upgrading plant, 408 pulp factory, 501 supplier/dealer (chain of conversion), 502 supplier/dealer (after the last interface).

Old until 01.08.2014

GF group of farms, FA farm, FG first gathering point, FW first gathering point (36. BImSchV), CP collection point waste/ residues, CU conversion unit (intermediate products/semi-finished products), OM oil mill, SM sugar mill, EP esterification plant, HU hydrogenation unit, BE bioethanol plant, BG biogas plant, BU biogas upgrading plant, PF pulp factory, OT others, SR supplier/dealer (chain of conversion), SE supplier/dealer (after the last interface), SU Supplier/dealer, SW Supplier/dealer (36. BImSchV), PP Processing plant/Biofuel company/Refinery, PW Processing plant/Biofuel company/Refinery (36. BImSchV).